As school ends and summer begins, you look forward to playing outside. But what
happens on those days that it is too hot, or rainy outside? You can have fun making a useful
You can create a useful toolbox, or just have fun playing inside a
fire truck that you make yourself.
1 First
find a cardboard box big enough to put your toys in, or big enough for you to get
2 Paint the cardboard box red. Set it to the side and let it
3 Paint four paper plates black and let them
4 Cut two circles out of white construction paper for headlights and
glue to the front of the truck.
5 Cut two rectangles out of white
construction paper to use as bumpers and glue them to the truck.
6 Cut a
windshield and windows from light blue construction paper and glue them to the
7 Glue your wheels to your truck.
8 Cut two
ladders using orange or brown construction paper and cut two hoses from black construction paper, and
glue on the truck.
9 Cut white hubcaps from white construction paper, and
glue on the wheels.

You now have a great
storage box, or a truck to play in! If you like, you could find another box and use the
materials you have leftover to make up your own box. What about a police car, or a train? Have fun
creating your own designs!
What reasons are given for why you would want to do this