Multiple Choice Identify the
choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Read the
ad. FOR SALE: Beautiful, red
sailboat. 2 years old, like new. Has been used only 3 times. Which words in the ad are an
a. | beautiful
sailboat | c. | 2 years
old | b. | red sailboat | d. | has been used only 3 times |
Read the
passage. Golf is a great sport.
The goal is to hit a ball into eighteen small holes in with least amount of shots as possible.
Talented golfers can usually complete each shot with three to five hits, but amateurs like me take
nine or ten shots per hole. It’s best to play on a warm, sunny day, but many golfers go out as
soon as the snow melts in the spring. It’s unsafe to play golf during a rainstorm because there
have been instances where lightning has struck a golfer’s club. Which of the following is
a provable fact based on the preceding paragraph?
a. | Good golfers never hit more than
three shots per hole. | c. | It’s safe to
play in the rain if you don’t see lightning. | b. | There are eighteen holes in a game of
golf. | d. | Golfers get their best scores on warm, sunny
days. |
Read the
paragraph. Television shows are
great. Some people complain about violence and bad language, but they just don’t understand
what makes good entertainment. My friends and I love the sitcoms about teenagers. Those movie stars
are just like us and understand how we feel. Television improves our understanding of the real world
and makes us better people. Which statement is true about the
a. | The paragraph is mostly
fact. | c. | The whole paragraph expresses
opinions. | b. | There are no opinions in the paragraph. | d. | The paragraph expresses facts and opinions
equally. |
Evaluative Reading
Comprehension—Inference--RIT 201 – 210 Read the passage. “Each [leaf] was shaped like an inverted
umbrella spiked on a massive trunk…” from “the Pit of Wings” by Ramsey
Campbell Copyright Info: Not enough information. Campbell, Ramsey. The
Pit of Wings, page 60. (Teacher authors: Phillips, Blackman, Felts). What can be
inferred from this line?
a. | The leaves are cup-shaped with thick
stems. | c. | The leaves are large and
round. | b. | The leaves protect against the rain. | d. | The leaves are deciduous. |
Read the
passage. “Best of all,
perhaps, [Buck] loved to lie near the fire, hind legs crouched under him, forelegs
stretched out front, head raised, and eyes blinking dreamily at the flames. Sometimes he thought of
Judge Miller’s big house in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley, and of the cement swimming
tank.” – from “Against Odds” Copyright Info:
Not enough informationL Against Odds, page 392 (Phillips, Blackman, Felts). What is
important to Buck?
a. | the family
home | c. | food | b. | safety | d. | protecting
himself |
Evaluative Reading
Comprehension—Persuasive Elements--RIT 201 – 210
 This add makes you want to buy the garbage bags
a. | They are
cheap. | c. | They are
black. | b. | They are thick. | d. | They are made of plastic. |
To Whom would this ad appeal?
a. | truck drivers | c. | football fans | b. | cat
lovers | d. | bankers |
 How does this ad catch your attention?
a. | appeal to save
money | c. | free computer
time | b. | offers great craft ideas | d. | gardening ideas |
The girls
are excited because:
a. | Education opens doors. | c. | They like their graduation gowns. | b. | They don’t have homework. | d. | Their families are
proud. |
 What does this
ad want you to do?
a. | Use your telephone more often. | c. | Buy their medication. | b. | Read to your
children. | d. | Buy their magazine. |
Interpretive Reading
Comprehension—Drawing Conclusions--RIT 201 - 210 Read the passage and answer the
question. Mary and her mother
wanted to bake a cake. They mixed eggs, flour, sugar, and baking powder in a bowl. Mary helped pour
the cake mix into the pan. The preheated the oven. What will Mary and her mother do
a. | eat the
cake | c. | cut the cake into
pieces | b. | put the cake in the oven | d. | put frosting on the cake |
Interpretive Reading
Comprehension—Inference--RIT 201 - 210 Read the passage and answer the
How long is the yard sale open?
a. | 9 hours | c. | 12 hours | b. | 8 hours | d. | 24 hours |
Read the following label and
answer the question.
What can happen if you do not take the
vitamin with a full glass of water?
a. | You may get
sleepy. | c. | The vitamin will
not work. | b. | You may get an upset stomach. | d. | Children under 10 will get
tired. |
Read the passage and answer
the question. He was not the
same. The plane passing by without rescuing him had changed him completely. He was not the same and
would never be like he had been before. The old Brian was weak, now he was new, stronger and would
not give up so he could survive. How do you think Brian has changed?
a. | Brian was stronger, more aware and
careful. | c. | Brian is angry
because he’s made mistakes. | b. | Brian felt sorry for himself and wanted to give
up. | d. | Brian has not changed at
all. |
Read the passage and answer
the question. Jan Brett, an
author of many children’s books, uses many of the stories told to her by her Swedish
grandmother. She illustrates her books with the cheerful colors and patterns often used in Northern
European countries. Based on this passage, which statement best describes Jan
a. | She plans to move to
Sweden. | c. | Her work is not
important. | b. | She believes children should read. | d. | Her stories tell about her family’s
history. |
Interpretive Reading
Comprehension—Main Idea--RIT 201 - 210 Read the selection from Island of the Blue Dolphins and answer the
question. I do not remember much of this time, except that many suns rose and set. I though
about what I was going to do now that I was alone. I did not leave the village. Not until I had eaten
all of the abalones did I leave and then only to gather more. Yet, I do remember the day that I
decided I would never live in the village again. Copyright Info: Not
enough information. Island of the Blue Dolphins. (Teacher author: Bev Holtom) What is
the main idea from this passage?
a. | She is alone and must
survive. | c. | She likes to eat
abalones. | b. | She lives in the village with her brother. | d. | She is leaving the village. |
Interpretive Reading
Comprehension—Prediction--RIT 201 - 210 Read the passage and answer the
question. Janet looked out her
bedroom window and saw the beautiful, new, white snow covering the ground outside. She quickly got
dressed and ran out the front door to make the first snowman of the season. “Don’t forget
your gloves! Your fingers will freeze!” called her mother, as the door slammed.
“Don’t need them! No time!” yelled Janet as she jumped into the snow. After about 5
minutes of working in the ice-cold snow with her bare hands to make the snowman, Janet realized
that her fingers were so cold they were starting to hurt. What will Janet most likely do
a. | Go back in the house for her
coat. | c. | Go back in the house for her
gloves. | b. | Take off her coat and boots. | d. | Ask her mother to help her make the
snowman. |
Literal Reading
Comprehension—Cause and Effect--RIT 201 - 210 Read the passage. Then here comes Mr. Pearson with his clipboard and his
cards and pencils and whistles andsafety pins and fifty million other things he’s always
dropping all over the place with his clumsy self. He sticks out in a crowd because he’s on
stilts. We used to call him Jack and the Beanstalk to get him mad. But I’m the only one that
can outrun him and get away, and I’m too grown for that silliness now. Copyright Info: Bambarg, Toni Code. “Raymond’s Run.”
Elements of Literature (p.8). Holt,Reinhart and Winston, 1997. Why does Mr. Pearson
stand out in the crowd?
a. | He has a
clipboard. | c. | He is wearing a
bright shirt. | b. | He is always dropping things. | d. | He is on stilts. |
Read the
passage. Leaves often change
color before they fall. As autumn approaches, chlorophyll, the green pigment used in photosynthesis,
breaks down. As chlorophyll is lost from leaves, other yellow and orange pigments are revealed. These
pigments were always present in the leaves but were hidden by the green chlorophyll. Some leaves also
have red pigments, which also become visible when chlorophyll is broken down. Copyright Info: Life Science p. 311. Holt Science and Technology. Holt,
Reinhart, and Winston: 2001. What causes green leaves to change color in the
a. | the amount of orange pigment
increases | c. | the amount of
yellow pigment stays the same | b. | chlorophyll breaks down | d. | chlorophyll changes into red
pigment |
Read the
passage. “My father in
his early manhood,” Grandpa began, “made a vision quest to find a spirit guide for his
life. You cannot understand how it was in that time, when the great Teton Sioux were first made to
stay on the reservation. There was a strong need for guidance from Wakantanka, the Great Spirit. But
too many of the young men were filled with despair and hatred. They thought it was hopeless to search
for a vision when the glorious life was gone and only the hated confines of a reservation lay ahead.
But my father held to the old ways.” Copyright Info: Sheve,
Virginia Driving Hawk. “The Medicine Boy.” Elements of Literature: Second Course.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1997. What caused the young men to be “filled with
despair and hatred?”
a. | they were made to stay on the
reservation | c. | their fathers did
not hold to the old ways | b. | they quit having visions | d. | the Teton Sioux had guidance from the Great
Spirit |
Literal Reading
Comprehension—Compare and Contrast--RIT 201 - 210 Read the
passage. A substance made up of
one type of atom is called an element. When two or more atoms join together, they form what is called
a molecule. How do molecules and elements differ?
a. | Molecules contain two or more atoms,
and elements contain one atom. | c. | Elements do not have atoms. | b. | They have the same number of
atoms. | d. | Molecules are made up of
elements. |
Read the
passage. The difference between
day length and night length is an important environmental stimulus for many plants. This stimulus can
cause plants to begin reproducing. Some plants flower only in late summer or early autumn, when the
night length is long. These plants are called short-day plants. Examples of short-day plants include
poinsettias, ragweed, and chrysanthemums. Other plants flower in spring or early summer, when
night length is short. These plants are called longday plants. Clover, spinach, and lettuce are
examples of long-day plants. Copyright Info: Life Science p. 309.
Holt Science and Technology. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2001. Short-day plants
flower in the summer or early autumn. Long-day plants:
a. | flower in
winter | c. | flower in spring or early
summer | b. | flower at night | d. | flower all year round |
Literal Reading
Comprehension—Locating Information--RIT 201 - 210 Read the chapter
 Information found in Section 3
a. | The scientific
method. | c. |
Definition of life
science. | b. | Uses of X-rays, CT scans, and MRI. | d. | How to form a hypothesis. |
If you’re looking for
a recipe for fish, the best chapter to look in is_______________.
a. | Cakes for All
Occasions | c. | Party Fare and
Thirst Quenchers | b. | Treasures from the Sea | d. | Tried and True One-Dish Classics |
What is the last page of Chapter 2?
Read the following
 Copyright Info: American
Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (AFLAC). Worldwide Headquarters: 1932 Wynnton Road,
Columbus, Georgia 31999-0001. What is a benefit of AFLAC
a. | It is the most inexpensive insurance
plan you can buy. | c. | AFLAC pays cash
directly to you to help with the loss of income. | b. | An AFLAC associate will answer your questions on
Thursday. | d. | This plan is comprehensive and you
do not need another insurance plan. |