Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the
statement or answers the question.
Read the following paragraph. It’s been a cold fall. Every
morning the grass is covered with frost. Ice hangs off the bottom of cars. As we walk to school, our
fingers freeze inside our gloves and our cheeks are bright red when we enter our classrooms. I
can’t wait until spring! Which of the following cannot be proven by the
a. | The weather was freezing. | c. | Even with gloves, the cold reached
their hands. | b. | Winter would be warmer than it was last year. | d. | The students’ cheeks are red from the
cold. |
Students must have exceptional qualities in able to join the student
council? Which of the reasons below is the least valued reason for being invited to join the
students council?
a. | High grades | c. | Participation in school activities | b. | Good
citizenship | d. | Being 10 years
old |
Evaluative Reading Comprehension—Fact and Opinion--RIT 201 –
210 Which sentence is not a fact, but an opinion?
a. | There is no school next Monday. | c. | We’re going to see an
adventure film. | b. | I’m going to a movie with my best friend. | d. | Adventure films are much better than love
stories. |
Read the paragraph. My parents have been married for 15 years. Last
summer we threw them a big surprise party with a cake, presents, and about 20 years. We had games
like volleyball and croquet. The best game of all was darts, though. I beat everyone – even my
dad! We told them the party would be twice as big on their 20th anniversary. Which sentence is
not a fact, but an opinion?
a. | My parents have been married for 15 years. | c. | We had games like volleyball and
croquet. | b. | Last summer we threw them a big surprise party. | d. | The best game of all was
darts. |
Read the ad. FOR SALE: Beautiful, red sailboat. 2 years old, like new.
Has been used only 3 times. Which words in the ad are an opinion?
a. | beautiful sailboat | c. | 2 years old | b. | red sailboat | d. | has been used only 3
times |
Read the passage. Golf is a great sport. The goal is to hit a ball
into eighteen small holes in with least amount of shots as possible. Talented golfers can usually
complete each shot with three to five hits, but amateurs like me take nine or ten shots per hole.
It’s best to play on a warm, sunny day, but many golfers go out as soon as the snow melts in
the spring. It’s unsafe to play golf during a rainstorm because there have been instances where
lightning has struck a golfer’s club. Which of the following is a provable fact based on
the preceding paragraph?
a. | Good golfers never hit more than three shots per hole. | c. | It’s safe to play in the rain
if you don’t see lightning. | b. | There are eighteen holes in a game of
golf. | d. | Golfers get their
best scores on warm, sunny days. |
Read the paragraph. Television shows are great. Some people complain
about violence and bad language, but they just don’t understand what makes good entertainment.
My friends and I love the sitcoms about teenagers. Those movie stars are just like us and understand
how we feel. Television improves our understanding of the real world and makes us better
people. Which statement is true about the paragraph?
a. | The paragraph is mostly fact. | c. | The whole paragraph expresses
opinions. | b. | There are no opinions in the paragraph. | d. | The paragraph expresses facts and opinions
equally. |
Evaluative Reading Comprehension—Inference--RIT 201 – 210
Read the passage. “Each [leaf] was shaped like an inverted umbrella spiked on
a massive trunk…” from “the Pit of Wings” by Ramsey Campbell Copyright Info: Not enough information. Campbell, Ramsey. The Pit of Wings,
page 60. (Teacher authors: Phillips, Blackman, Felts). What can be inferred from this
a. | The leaves are cup-shaped with thick stems. | c. | The leaves are large and
round. | b. | The leaves protect against the rain. | d. | The leaves are
deciduous. |
Read the passage. “Best of all, perhaps, [Buck] loved
to lie near the fire, hind legs crouched under him, forelegs stretched out front, head raised, and
eyes blinking dreamily at the flames. Sometimes he thought of Judge Miller’s big house in the
sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley, and of the cement swimming tank.” – from “Against
Odds” Copyright Info: Not enough informationL Against Odds,
page 392 (Phillips, Blackman, Felts). What is important to Buck?
a. | the family home | c. | food | b. | safety | d. | protecting
himself |
Evaluative Reading Comprehension—Persuasive Elements--RIT 201 –
210 This add makes you want to buy the garbage bags because:
a. | They are cheap. | c. | They are black. | b. | They are thick. | d. | They are made of
plastic. |
 To Whom would this ad appeal?
a. | truck drivers | c. | football fans | b. | cat lovers | d. | bankers |
 How does this ad catch your attention?
a. | appeal to save money | c. | free computer time | b. | offers great craft ideas | d. | gardening ideas |
The girls are excited because:
a. | Education opens doors. | c. | They like their graduation gowns. | b. | They don’t
have homework. | d. | Their
families are proud. |
 What does this ad want you to do?
a. | Use your telephone more often. | c. | Buy their
medication. | b. | Read to your children. | d. | Buy their magazine. |
Evaluative Reading Comprehension—Bias, Assumptions, Stereotype --RIT
211 – 220 Read the advertisement. Real men don’t cook! Who wants to spend a
lazy Sunday slaving over a cookbook? With our BigMan canned meals, it’s as easy as dumping it
into a bowl and turning on the microwave. “Keep those BigMan dinners comin’,
Ma!” Who is the most discriminated against in the advertisement?
a. | men | c. | women | b. | children | d. | the elderly |
Read the paragraph. Junk food is the worst poison to hit society in
the last hundred years. Everyday millions of young people suck down sugary sodas, gulp greasy French
fries, and gorge on candy bars and potato chips. Cigarettes may cause lung cancer, but our
country’s addiction to junk food will surely be our demise as our children grow into adulthood
unhealthy and unhappy. What is the assumption underlying this paragraph?
a. | Junk food should be eaten only on special occasions. | c. | Healthy food can cure many
diseases. | b. | Eating junk food is worse than smoking cigarettes. | d. | Young people eat more junk food than
adults. |
Read the following paragraph. The most important advance of this
century has not been in medicine or technology. It’s been in society’s willingness to
open practically all professions to women. Women can excel in careers now that were not even
available to them 50 years ago. Which of the following people would be most likely to agree
with this paragraph’s opinion?
a. | grandparents | c. | children | b. | women astronauts | d. | teenagers |
Read the following paragraph. Jane and Henry were the best of friends.
They grew up on the same street and played together all through grade school. They felt like they
knew everything about each other. Now that they were both in high school, they didn’t spend as
much time together. Jane was running for class president that year, and most everyone was planning to
vote for her. Henry felt left out and decided to run against her. When he realized that Jane was
still winning, he challenged her to a debate in front of the school. He knew that if he promised
free pizza for lunch every Friday, that he might have a chance at winning. Why is Henry running
for class president?
a. | He is jealous of Jane’s popularity at school. | c. | He loves to eat pizza on
Fridays. | b. | He wants to finish high school. | d. | He wants to support
Jane. |
Read the following paragraph. Shelby noticed that her dogs were never
excited to see her when she came home. She always went straight to the kitchen to get herself a snack
and sat in front of the television until her parents came home. It wasn’t her job to feed the
dogs or give them snacks, and she didn’t really like to pet them play with them in the
afternoons. So, the dogs just lay on the carpet until it was dinnertime. Which statement leads
to stereotypical thinking?
a. | Shelby is tired after school. | c. | Dogs are lazy. | b. | Shelby is hungry
when she gets home. | d. | Dogs
are good pets. |
Read the following paragraph. As the teacher started to hand out the
science tests, Jake felt a lump in his throat. His hand was shaking as he wrote his name on the top
of his test. As he read the first question, beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, and he had
no idea what the correct answers were on the entire test. What can you infer?
a. | Jake is tired from not getting enough sleep. | c. | Jake is confident about his
test. | b. | Jake did not study for his test. | d. | Jake’s teacher is
mean. |